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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

2017 SJR 6: Resolution regarding Student's overloaded backpacks

In this post we look at Senate Joint Resolution No. 6 which discusses the horrors of overloaded K-12 student backpacks and how something needs to be done about it.
Essentially, this resolution, unfortunately, is simply hand waving freak outery.  There is a true issue here with students having to cart around a lot of materials to school every day.  One of the sources of that issue is the fact that in many high schools, there are no lockers.  When I was in high school, I had a locker and had to take minimal stuff back and forth to school or to classes.  Post-secondary, I did not have a locker and my backpack which now came everywhere with me, was pretty heavy.
I do not see that this resolution will achieve anything, in the end, it requests that the superintendent of schools communicate to principles, teachers and students about the dangers of overly heavy backpacks.
One math class in every school should do a project to create pie charts which show for an average student what is the weight of books, computers, papers, lunchbox, etc. that is carried.  Also what is the weight of an average empty backpack.  This could provide some interesting data for those who plan the curriculum.

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