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Thursday, March 16, 2017

2017 SJR 20:Proposal to add new Article VIII, Section 9

Senate Joint Resolution No. 20 was introduced by Senator Ferrioli.  This resolution proposes to amend the Oregon State Constitution by adding a new Section 9 to Article VIII.  Article VIII is entitled "Education and School Lands".

What SJR 20 does

This amendment says that the Legislature has to appropriate funds for K-12 education by the 65th day of each odd-year session.  If they do not, then the Legislators don't get paid until they do.  Of course there are some details regarding a veto by the governor that are detailed in the language.

My View

I am completely on the fence with this one.  I think it makes a statement about the important of K-12 education, but threatening Representatives and Senators with not being paid is probably unlikely to be effective.  They are faced daily with all kinds of pressures from media, constituents and lobbyists such that financial threats are not that significant.

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