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Friday, March 3, 2017

2017 SJR 2: Proposal to amend Article II, Section 2

Senator Monroe has proposed Senate Joint Resolution No. 2 to amend Article II, Section 2 of the Oregon State Constitution.  This Section deals with the qualification of electors.  In addition to a grammatical correction, the proposed amendment would also allow electors to register the day before the election.  Currently the law is that voter registration closes 20 calendar days before the election.

My view

Good idea, there are some practicalities that need to be worked out.  First, with the advent of automatic registration for those people who get a motor vehicle license, there is probably not a whole lot of need for this.  But, nonetheless, registration should not take very long since everything is electronic databases now.
The day before the election is going to be a busy day, and I have to assume that if someone registers to vote on that day, the person who registers that person will need to give the voter a ballot.  Effectively, the office will become a polling place and I don't know if there are good safeguards in place to assure that no hijinks happens.

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