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Saturday, March 25, 2017

2017 SJR 29: Redistricting - Article IV, Section 6

What SJR 29 does

Senate Joint Resolution No. 29 was introduced by Senator Girod.  This resolution proposes to replace Article IV, entitled Legislative Branch, Section 6 with an entire new tract of text in the Oregon State Constitution.  This proposal is to create a redistricting commission of 11 persons who will review the district boundaries after the decennial Federal Census.  The 11 commissioners will be selected by the county commissioners.

My View

Frankly, having had a look at some of the proposals for redistricting here, this proposal strikes me as being convoluted and opaque.  There are a number of aspects to this which are currently tuned to the state of how things are in Oregon now that could be quite different in 20 or 30 years.  Re-districting is a controversial issue currently and assuring that no gerrymandering happens is important to keeping the flame of representative democracy alive so bringing up as many ideas as possible is a good thing.  Unfortunately, there is not anything in this particular proposal that I feel is better than those so far reviewed by this Blog.

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