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Sunday, March 5, 2017

2017 SJR 4 & 15: Proposal to amend Article IV, section 28 of the Oregon State Constitution

Senate Joint Resolution No. 4 has been filed to make an amendment to Article IV, Section 28.
  Article IV, section 28 of the Oregon State Constitution discusses when laws come into force and has a provision for emergency laws that come into force before 90 days after the end of the legislative session.  The reason for the 90 days comes from Article IV, section 1, subsection (3) wherein the people have the power to have a referendum on laws passed.
Additionally, Senate Joint Resolution No. 15, which is proposed by Senator Hansell and Representative Barreto is the same as SJR 4.

The proposed changes

In this resolution, it is proposed that in the case of an emergency law, instead of the usual simple majority or three-fifths majority for appropriations bills, a two-thirds majority is required for any bill that is an "emergency" bill.  The proposal provides for an exception when the Governor declares a "catastrophic disaster" under Article X-A, that bills passed with relation to that are exempt from the requirement.

My View

The intent of this change is to restrict the possibility of action by those who have a majority, but not a two-thirds majority.  It is to protect the interests of the minority.  It depends which side you are on as to whether this is considered a good or bad thing.  Since there seems to be so much enmity between the reds and the blues, this would be leveraged as a stalling/blocking tactic always.  As such, I think that it is not a good idea to pass this amendment.  I feel as though that might opinion would not change even if the shoe was on the other foot.

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