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Friday, March 17, 2017

2017 SJR 21: Proposal to amend Article IX, Section 16

Senate Joint Resolution No. 21 was proposed by Senator Thomsen.  This resolution proposes to add sections 16 and 16a to Article IX of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article IX is entitled "Finances".

What SJR 21 does

The proposed new section define that the Oregon Legislature pass a budget that provides for 33% of spending to be in the categories of Education and Public Safety.  However, recognizing that there is a bit of a transition, it also provides stepped requirements for the 2019-2021 and 2021-2023 biennium's to be able to go from the current level which I guess is around 25% up to 33% over the next 6 years.

My View

I think this is founded on a "Think of the Children!" type argument.  Imposing hard limits like this is dangerous since if something comes along federally and significantly shifts spending in some area, then compliance could be difficult to achieve.  This mandates that funding gets shifted into Education and Public Safety but you have to ask, where will it come from?  Reduction in other spending? New taxes?  What is going to be the split between Education and Public Safety?  I assume there would be debate on which should get priority.
This would be a bad amendment to pass.  If there is a desire to increase Education or Public Safety funding, this should be done on the merits of the proposed spending not on some appeal to emotion that boosts the budget that now has to be spent, very possibly on some pet projects which otherwise would not have received funding.

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