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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

2017 SJR 32: Precision in raising revenue, Article IV, Section 25

What SJR 32 does

Senate Joint Resolution 32 was filed by Senator Knopp and Representative Nearman.  This resolution proposes to amend Section 25 of Article IV (Legislative Branch) of the Oregon State Constitution.  The resolution amplifies what is intended by the term "bills raising revenue".  As original written, the constitution calls for bills that create laws that are sources of revenue for the government must be passed by a three fifths majority of both the house and senate.  This proposal specifies in detail to assure that bills which increase fees and fines, adjust who has to pay a tax, fee or fine, changes in tax rates all have to be passed with 3/5 majority.  Further, if there is a cut to revenue, such a bill has to be passed by a 3/5 majority.

My View

I think that this would be a good bill to pass.  This bill seems to reflect the reality that legislation is often complicated and out of this complication can come attempts to argue that the criteria of "raising revenue" is exempted even though the direct result will do that.  I feel that this amplification of the language is worthwhile.  The notations in the constitution indicate that this subsection was present in the original constitution and was amended in 1996.

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