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Friday, January 27, 2017

Article XI, Section 11b of the Oregon State Constitution

We now look at Article XI, Section 11b of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article XI is entitled "Corporations and Internal Improvements".  Section 11b deals with Property Taxes.  It has 5 subsections and we will look at all of them in this post.  In some cases, clauses in Section 11 modify what is in section 11b.

Subsection (1)

This subsection defines the maximum allowable tax per $1000 of value of a property.  The ends up as $5.00 per $1000 for the school system and $10.00 per $1000 for other uses than schools.

Subsection (2)

This subsection defines "real market value", "tax", "incurred charges", and "local improvement".

Subsection (3)

This subsection provides an exception to the rules of subsection (1).  The exception being taxes for bond issue re-payments which were separately voted on.

Subsection (4)

This subsection instructs what to do when the limits of subsection (1) are exceeded.  Which is to proportionally reduce taxes until the meet these limits.

Subsection (5)

This subsection applies only between 91 and 96 and it stated that the State would make up the reduction in school system funding per a calculation and limits as described in law.

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