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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Article X-A, section 6 of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post, we look at Article X-A, Section 6 of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article X-A deals with catastrophic disasters and Section 6 defines how to end the emergency powers granted by the declaration of an emergency.

Section 6, Subsection (1)

This subsection defines that the default length of catastrophic disasters is 30 days.  The Governor can declare a catastrophic disaster ended earlier, if necessary.

Section 6, Subsection (2)

As had been described in a different section, the Governor had to call the legislature to an emergency session upon declaring a catastrophic disaster and that they had to meet within 30 days.  So long as three fifths of the people who show up vote to do so, the catastrophic disaster can be extended.

Section 6, Subsection (3)

This subsection says that the Legislature's extension or ending of the catastrophic disaster has to be passed the same as any bill and that it can be vetoed by the Governor.

Section 6, Subsection (4)

This subsection seems to say that the Legislature can pass temporary measures that violate the constitution so long as they are justified actions in face of the declared catastrophic disaster.

Section 6, Subsection (5)

This subsection has the restriction that some event cannot be a catastrophic disaster twice.  Kind of like the double jeopardy clause.

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