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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Article XI-A of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post, we take a look at Article XI-A of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article XI-A is entitled "Farm and Home Loans to Veterans".  In this Article it defines how the Oregon War Veterans' Fund is set up and what is to be done with the money.

Section 1, subsection (1)

This subsection authorizes the use of the Credit of the State to issue bonds and also generally defines to what uses the money can be allocated.

Section 1, Subsection (2)

This subsection states that determining how to generate disbursements and on what basis is at the judgment of the Director of Veterans' Affairs.

Section 2

This section directs that bonds be issued and sold so as to create a pool of money which is known as the Oregon War Veterans' Fund.

Section 3, subsection (1)

This subsection lists the requirements so that a person who is a veteran is eligible to receive money from the Oregon War Veterans' Fund.

Section 3, subsection (2)

This subsection defines when a spouse of a veteran is eligible for money from the Oregon War Veterans' Fund.  Note that remarriage negates eligibility.

Section 3, subsection (3)

This subsection defines "Active Duty".

Section 4

This section calls for a levy on property equal to 2 mills.  That is $2 levy for each $1,000,000 of property value.

Section 5

This section is a blanket statement that says that anything in the 1944 amendment to the constitution that conflicts with anything already in the constitution overrules the previously existing text.  I am not sure what the issue is.  Perhaps there was some concerns about the creation of a special class of citizens "veterans" that might be of concern.  Don't get me wrong, I honor those who served, I am just trying to figure out why this was written in such a blanketing way.

Section 6

This section states that rolling over bonds (i.e. refunding one set of bonds via the issuance of a different set) is allowed provided that the amount of the bonds never exceeds the limit defined in section 1.

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