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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Article V Section 14 to 18 of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post we will look at Section 14 to 18 of Article V of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article V is entitled Executive Branch and about the rights, powers and responsibilities of the Governor of Oregon.

Section 14

This section defines the authority to grant pardons, commutations and reprieves.  Here is a link to recent pardons granted by the Governor.

Section 15a

This section gives the Governor a line-item veto for appropriations (spending bills).  In other words, instead of vetoing an entire spending measure, which would result in no one being authorized to spend money, the governor can pick single items out of spending bills to veto.  There was no bill that was veto'd by the Governor in 2016.

Section 15b

This section defines the process of veto by the Governor.  The veto can be overridden by a two thirds majority vote in both houses.  There are also some detailed rules regarding bills that were passed just prior to the adjournment of the legislatures.  Also, the Governor has only 5 days in any case to veto or announce the intention to veto legislation presented to her.

Section 16

This section defines that the Governor can fill vacancies including those that are within the jurisdiction of the legislature if the legislature is in recess.  Here is a link to appointments that are made by the Governor.

Section 17

This section also deals with vacancies, but those in the legislature.  Here, the Governor is directed to issue writs of election to fill vacancies in the legislature.

Section 18

This Section defines that all commissions are issued in the name of the state, signed by the Governor, have the state seal applied and attested by the Secretary of State.

In Conclusion...

And that concludes Article V, "Executive Branch".  Next time we will start looking at Article VI which is all about the Administrative Branch which is run by the Secretary of State.

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