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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Artcile V of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post we start looking at Article V of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article V is entitled "Executive Branch" and discusses the Governor of the state.  The next article deals with the administrative side and looks at the Secretary of State and Treasurer which appear to be separate from the Governor.
Sections 2 and 3 define the qualifications of candidates for governor:
  • Citizenship: Must be a citizen of the USA
  • Age: Must be 30 years old (unless she or he is appointed through the process of succession)
  • Residency: Must have resided in Oregon for 3 years.
  • The Governor cannot hold a different position such as Senator at the same time.
Section 1 works towards term limits for governor.  One person cannot be governor for more than 2 successive full 4-year terms.  However, one can be governor more than 2 terms if they are sufficiently spaced out.
Section 4 deals with the election process for the Governor of Oregon.  The election for governor is held as directed by the Legislature.  Currently, it is held at the same time as the general elections, on an even numbered year.  Once the resulted are tabulated by the Secretary of State, they are given to the Speaker of the House of Representatives who then announces the winner at a joint session.
Section 5 defines that the winner is determined by who gets the most votes and if there is a tie, then the two houses of congress get to vote and decide which of the tied candidates wins.
Section 6 appears to repeat section 4.  There is some detail provided in the Oregon Revised Statutes section 176.

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