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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Article X-A of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post we look at Article X-A of the Oregon State Constitution.  This Article is entitled "Catastrophic disasters" and deals with emergency powers granted to the Governor (mostly) and others to deal with an emergency.

Section 1, subsection (1)

This subsection defines what a catastrophic disaster is.

Section 1, subsection (2)

This subsection gives some examples of catastrophic disasters.

Section 1, subsection (3)

This subsection states that the Governor has to issue a finding that a catastrophic disaster has occurred.

Section 1, subsection (4)

This subsection states that the Governor has to convene the Legislature unless they are already in session or are about to hold a session.

Section 1, subsection (5)

This subsection defines that the response taken to the disaster should not include other things.  For example, if the legislature is convened in an emergency session, regular kinds of laws should not be passed, just any emergency appropriations bills or other rules regarding the needed response to the disaster.

Section 2, subsection (1)

This subsection gives the authority to the Governor to use money to immediately react even if that money was allocated to something else.

Section 2, subsection (2)

This subsection limits the authority of the Governor granted in the previous subsection up to the time that the legislature meets and then makes the appropriate laws to allocate the money needed for the disaster.

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