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Friday, February 17, 2017

Articles XII and XIV of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post we look at a few different Articles of the Oregon State Constitution since these are short ones.  So let's get started.

Article XII

This Article provides for an elected State Printer.  It also provides that the Legislature can enact laws by which to get books printed and bound by other means than an elected State Printer.  This position has clearly been absorbed into the state administrative bureaucracy and further, actual printed books are, by some, considered antiquated.  This Article would be a candidate for repeal, but then, the repeal would only serve to satisfy editorial cravings such as some of the numbering issues that have been noted.

Article XIII

This Article was repealed out of triskaidekaphobia.  Just kidding, but that would be funny if it were true. But seriously, the Article text was repealed by a vote in 1956.

Article XIV

In this Article which is entitled "Seat of Government" and has 2 sections, the first section defines the seat of government as Marion County.  The second section prohibits spending money on the construction of a State House prior to 1865.  I suppose this is relevant in some way but unfortunately, I don't know Oregon history well enough.

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