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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Article XV, Sections 4c anf 4f of the Oregon State Constitution.

In this post we take a look at sections 4c and 4f of Article XV of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article XV is entitled "Miscellaneous".  Sections 4c and 4f have to do with the Oregon state lottery and spending the proceeds of the lottery.

Section 4c

This section directs the Secretary of State to conduct audits of the monies granted to various state agencies from the parks and natural resources fund.  The report prepared after the audit is to demonstrate that the funds were used for appropriate purposes and also show how much improvement has taken place over the longer term.

Section 4f

This section was passed in the recent election in November 2016.  This section creates a veteran's services fund. and declares that 1.5% of the proceeds of the lottery shall be allocated to the fund.  Additionally, the Legislature can add funds from elsewhere into this fund.  The section defines veterans differently from other parts of the constitution.  It also, in subsection (2) enumerates what the money can be spent on.  There seems to me to be a bit of overlap between this section and what is stated in Article XI-A and from that, I wonder if something has gone wrong in the management of the fund set up by Article XI-A and that this is a bandaid to prevent total collapse.

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