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Monday, February 20, 2017

Article XV Section 4a and 4b of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post we look at Sections 4a and 4b of Article XV of the Oregon State Constitution.  Article XV is entitled "Miscellaneous".  Sections 4a and 4b have to do with the proceeds from the State Lottery Commission and how these are supposed to be spent on parks, wildlife and habitats.

Section 4a, Subsection (1)

This subsection states the purposes for which the money in the park subaccount can be used.  Also, it directs that all the money should be used in this way each biennium.

Section 4a, Subsection (2)

This subsection states the specific actions that can be funded from the park subaccount.

Section 4a, Subsection (3)

This subsection directs that a state agency is given the task to issue grants to local and regional governments to undertake some activities to create and maintain parks.  This sets the level to be allocated to local and regional grants at 12% of the money in the park subaccount, but this is intended to rise to 25% at some point in the future.

Section 4b, subsection (1)

This subsection states the purposes for which the money in the natural resources subaccount can be used for.  Also it directs that all the money should be used each biennium so that it is not "saved".

Section 4b, subsection (2)

This subsection directs that a state agency is given the task to issue grants to various entities (they can be private, it appears).  This sets the level to be granted at 65% and eventually it rises to 70%.  There are specific purposes for which this money is intended to be spent that are enumerated in this subsection.

Section 4c, subsection (3)

This subsection directs the legislature on what the remainder of the money can be spent on and provides an enumeration of various activities.

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