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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Article XI-E and XI-F(1) of the Oregon State Constitution

In this post, we look at Article XI-E of the Oregon State Constitution.  This article is entitled "State Reforestation".  Logging and forestry have long been an important part of the Oregon economy and culture.  As people realized that old growth forest, after being cut down, took a long time to grow back, reforestation became vogue.  Further, in the past there have been significant forest fires in the Cascades range and as a result acceleration of reforestation and rehabilitation of the land was in the interests of Logging companies.  This Article, which has no sections, allows for the State to take on debt to perform rehabilitation and reforestation as well as acquire, manage and develop forests.  The type of debt is not specified.  These debts are to be paid via the proceeds from the lands such as harvesting licenses and other such user fees, but also through statewide property taxes.
The next Article is XI-F(1) which is entitled "Higher Education Building Projects". This Article allows bonds to be issued in order to finance projects for construction of higher level educational institutions.  This Article has five sections, but the provisions are much similar to earlier Articles such as XI-D and XI-A.  The intent is to provide the capital for schools and universities which over time will be paid back to the state although, it can also be paid back through property taxes.  There is a restriction in section 2 which requires that the Legislative Assembly has to determine that the beneficiary institution has the appropriate revenue stream to run the buildings and pay back the debt.

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