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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Solving Math Problems (Part 9)

More problems from Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Kreyszig.

Section 1.2, Problem 27

Solve the initial value problem:
L(dI/dt) + RI = 0 with I(0) = I₀
This is a problem out of electric circuit analysis.  We separate the variables to get:
Integrating both sides gives:
ln | I | = (R / L) t + C
Raising e to the power of both sides gives:
Solving for the given initial condition, we find the C = I₀ and the solution is:

Section 1.2, Problem 28

Solve the initial value problem:
v(dv/dx) = g = const with v(x₀) = v₀
We can proceed directly to integrating both sides:
∫ v dv = ∫ g dx
½v² = x g + C
Using the given initial condition, we solve for C to find C = ½(v₀² - 2 x₀ g) and the solution is:

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