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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Solving Math Problems (part 10)

More problems from Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Kreyszig.  Section 1.2 has 2 more problems; #29 is asking for a proof and #30 asks to use this proof to re-work an example given in the book.  Following that, section 1.3 is about modeling and the exercises at the end are essentially physics word problems wherein the answer involves creating a differential equation and then solving an initial value problem.  I am skipping all that to go to section 1.4 which involves a change of variable to convert a given differential equation into a separable equation.

Section 1.4, problem 1

Find the general solution of:
xy' = x + y
We can re-arrange this to be:
Using a change of variable such that u = y/x and y' = u + u'x we get:
u + u'x = 1 + u
With some re-arrangement we get:
u = ln |x| + C
Changing back to y using y = ux, we get:
y = x (ln |x| +C)

Section 1.4, problem 2

Find the general solution of:
xy' - 2y = 3x
Re-arrangement gives:
Using a change of variable such that u = y/x and y' = u + u'x we get:
u + u'x - 2u = 3
Re-arranging to separate the variables we have:
Integrating both sides we get:
ln |u+3| = ln |x| + C
Raising e to the power of both sides gives:
u + 3 = Cx
u = Cx - 3
Changing back to y using y = ux, we get:
y = Cx² - 3x

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