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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Executive Order 13824: Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition

What the Executive Order Says

Executive Order (EO) 13824 is entitled "President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition" (note the Oxford comma) and has 2 sections.  It was issued in February of 2018.

Section 1

This section revokes EO 13545 which the previous President used to establish his "President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition."

Section 2

With EO 13545 having been revoked, EO 13265 comes back into force, but this section makes a number of changes to the text of it.  However, technically, the changes listed interfere with each other.  Section 5 is changed by (c), then renumbered by (d) and then further changed by (a) (b) (c) which are under (d).

My commentary

So I characterized this as word soup.  It is so hard to read documents that are created this way.  You have to be able to access the original plus the list of changes and then work through the integration of the changes into the original.  Having pieced together what the final version is, it creates a council and, depending on whether the administration and the council take the charge seriously, it could do some good things or not.
One point made in the purpose section is that team sports participation by children has declined.  I have to ask what is so special about team sports.  I have found these kinds of organized leagues and teams to be expensive and a proportion of the people involved petty and vindictive.  There is the cliché of the one kid who is on the team but never gets to play.  It's a cliché because it does happen even though it really should not.  Physical exercise need not be an organized sport, whether team or individual.  The real justification here should have been statistics about children's and young adult's health.  But talking about that would get into the third rail of "HealthCare" and Republicans simply do not have a defendable alternative to the current system to offer.  But the statistics show there is room for improvement.
Further, this is one of the things that it seems that Presidents use to play one-upmanship games with.  We've seen a couple of these kinds of EO's issued in our review.  Here, EO 13824 revokes EO 13545 which itself largely modified EO 13265 which itself revokes EO 12345.  The President's council can be reviewed here.

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