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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Executive Order 13820: Termination of Election Integrity Commission

What the Executive Order says

Executive Order (EO) 13820 is entitled "Termination of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity" and has 2 sections.  It was originally issued in January of 2018.

Section 1

This section revokes EO 13799 from May of 2017.

Section 2

This section includes the standard fine print asserting the constitutionality of the EO.

My Commentary

Well, after a lot of controversy, the commission on Election Integrity, which was intended to try and prove that 3 -5 million fraudulent votes had been cast in favor of the Democratic nominee such that the President had won the popular vote, was shut down.
With respect to the politics of the situation, it was really quite a serious embarrassment for the Republican party, but it was necessary since the commission had been repudiated and it had become clear that it was established on a lie.  See my commentary here.

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