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Thursday, April 6, 2017

2017 SJR 41: Oregon Rainy Day Fund

What SJR 41 Does

Senate Joint Resolution No. 41 is listed as being sponsored by the Committee on Finance and Revenue.  This proposes to amend the Oregon State Constitution, Article IX, entitled "Finance".  This changes Section 14 and adds a new sections 16 and 17.  I have previously written about Section 14 here.  This would create a fund, known as the Oregon Rainy Day fund which would be primarily funded by a new tax levied on businesses based on gross receipts.  That's a fancy way of saying it is basically a sales tax and while it would be charged to corporations, they would pass on the costs to consumers in the form of higher prices.

My View

This item has been in the news somewhat and I am providing some links: here, here, and here.  My view is that this is not the best way to do this.  I would hate to give up the fact that Oregon does not have a sales tax, but the level of income taxes is starting to get rather high.  If you will switch to a sales tax, then let's do that openly and with clarity of purpose to also eliminate the income tax entirely for at least individuals.

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