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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

2017 SJR 39: Days of the Legislature, Article IV, Section 10

What SJR 39 Does

Senate Joint Resolution No. 39 was introduced by Senator Devlin.  This resolution proposes to amend the Oregon State Constitution, Article IV, entitled "Legislative Branch", Section 10.  I have previously written about this section here.  The amendment simply move 10 of the days from the odd-numbered year into the even numbered year.  The odd numbered years would be allowed a maximum of 150 rather than 160 calendar days and the even numbered years would be allowed a maximum of 45 rather than 35 calendar days.

My View

The principle here I think is valid.  I do think that sitting for such a short time in the even numbered years is a problem.  My dilemma is weighing the cost of running a vote to change the days vs. how much actual extra value you will get out of it.  There is an allowance that the Legislature can vote to extend the session.  They can convene emergency sessions to take up a specific topic.  There are options other than a constitutional amendment.

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