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Friday, June 21, 2019

Solving Math Problems (Part 15)

More problems from Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Kreyszig.

Section 1.4, Problem 9

Find the general solution of the following differential equation:
Dividing by x we get:
Changing the variable using u = y/x and y' = u+ u'x, we get:
Simplifying, we get:
Integrating both sides gives:
Changing back to y gives:

Section 1.4, Problem 10

Find the general solution of the following differential equation:
xy' - y -x² tan (y/x) = 0
Dividing by x gives:
y' - (y/x) - x tan (y/x) = 0
Making a change of variable such that u = y/x and y' = u+ u'x, we get:
u + u'x - u - x tan u = 0
Simplifying and separating the variables, we have:
u' cot u = 1
Integrating we get:
ln | sin u | = x + C
Isolating the u gives:
Converting back to y we get:

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