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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Executive Order 13826: Crime Prevention

What the Executive Order Says

Executive Order (EO) 13826 is entitled "Federal Interagency Council on Crime Prevention and Improving Reentry" and has 7 sections.  It was published in March 2018.

Section 1

This section states that the aim of the policy is to reduce crime and also re-integrate rehabilitated convicts into the community as productive citizens.

Section 2

This section states that the policy is to prevent people from becoming criminals and to lower recidivism rates.  Then it vaguely says that the Federal government has a role to play and that agencies need to coordinate activities to enhance efficiency.

Section 3

This section defines the members of the Federal Interagency Council on Crime Prevention and Improving Reentry.  It tasks the Council with specific actions such as meeting once per quarter.

Section 4

This section mandates that an initial report as well as a final report and status updates on implementation of the accepted recommendations all are written.  There are a number of factors that are to be considered.

Section 5

This section revokes a Presidential Memo dated April 29, 2016.

Section 6

This section states that the Council will be terminated 3 years from the date of the EO.

Section 7

This section includes general provisions which limit the interpretation of the EO to ensure its constitutionality.

My Commentary

So this task force replaces one that the previous administration had set up in April of 2016.  Here is some information regarding that.  There are a few announcements, such as the appointment of the Executive Director, but I cannot find anywhere that a report was issued nor even a website, although it is not clear if the predecessor organization (FIRC) that was the subject of the April, 2016 memo, website was taken over by the organization mentioned in this EO.  It doesn't appear to be.  So overall, it appears that nothing has happened here.

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