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Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Year in Review: 2017

So back a year ago, I had posted my first post and launched this blog, a project that has consumed quite some amount of my "free" time.  While I have had some enjoyment of writing these blog entries, I have some doubts as to whether other people find them useful or worthwhile.  Writing on some arbitrary document is a challenge which helps me keep my mind alert and often leads to learning some obscure trivia about the topic at hand, but I know that more time spent researching the topic would improve my writing.  While trying to get 4 or more posts done each week, I often only have parts of the weekend to spend wordsmithing.  Often, a given blog post is only about 30-45 minutes worth of work and unless it is something that has come up before, you, dear reader, are getting my unfiltered first impressions which, in hindsight, is sometimes the text equivalent of a blank stare.  Based on the stats that the Google tools provide, I've covered some esoteric topics (since surprisingly some of my blog entries appear in the top 10 results for certain keywords) and there are a few of my posts that seem to have generated some interest although no one has commented or sent me nasty messages about what I've written.  I've had some 2400 page views but certainly some number of those are going to be search engines indexing the site.  I've written about 190 posts, cross-posted them to Google+ and occasionally to Facebook.  We shall see what 2018 brings
So, thank you dear reader for spending your "free" time reading my electronic rants and scribbles.  I hope you have a wonderful 2018.

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