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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Book Review: Knots by Gunnhild Oyehaug

First, I have to apologize since I can't figure out how to get the special character so as to spell the author's last name correctly.  The book is called Knots and originally I had thought of knots in rope, however, there are some different kinds of knots involved in a few of the stories including knots in rope as well as wood.
I was surprised at just how much passion is invoked in the stories.  At times rawly sexual, the characters are variously mad, glad and sad with thoughts, concerns and action revolving around family, lovers, would-be lovers, old lovers and those never loved.  There are 23 short stories in this thin tome.  A few stories are related.  The draw is the simple authentic language, the vivid emotion with all of the turbulent internal dialogue such that the setting, the plot, everything but the characters fades in relation to the burning emotions and intense focus that the characters express as we learn a little about the dark cold winters in Bergen, Norway.
I've enjoyed the read and recommend it to anyone who is looking for something a bit different.  It certainly will not please those who are looking for a trashy romance novel or pulp sci-fi story.  There are some flaws such that one does have to allow for sparsely decorated sets and characters who are only defined by their love (or not) of their spouse.
Would that Ms. Oyehaug have one of her novels translated into English, that might be a tasty read, or, should some of these ambiguities that can be left alone in a short story not be addressed in the novel, dry and chewy, potentially repetitive in flavor across the entirety of the story.  But I would look forward to taking a bite to see how the dish has turned out.
Knots by Gunnhild Oyehaug is available from the Library.

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