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Thursday, March 23, 2017

2017 SJR 27: Amendment to protect health care providers

What 2017 SJR 27 does

Senate Joint Resolution No. 27 was proposed by Senator Girod.  This resolution proposes an amendment to Article XV (Miscellaneous) of the Oregon State Constitution.  The amendment would limit non-economic damages in suits against health care providers to $500,000.  The terms non-economic damages, health care provider and medical liability action are defined.

My View

This is a bad idea for a few reasons.  First, having a fixed numerical limit in a constitutional document is usually a bad idea.  As sometimes these documents exist for a hundred years, the numbers, especially dollar values, will go out of date.  Secondly, this is an attempt to protect hospitals and large health care corporations.  While it seems, especially in the list of protected types of health care workers, to be people focused, it does end up that if you sue the hospital, this limit would also apply.  Lastly, I have a concern that this would legitimize some fringe/alternative health practices, specifically, chiropractors, naturopaths, and acupuncture.  I don't actually know what a polysomnographic technologist is; my best guess is an interpreter of dreams.  Massage therapy, for me is on the fence.  I feel great after a massage, but is it therapeutic?  Hard to say.
Overall, this bill is a no for me.

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